Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Installing Ubuntu 8.40

ubuntu is a distro that peminatnya increase of late. And according to the magazine Linux Journal, Ubuntu was ranked as the first tune the distribution by Linuxer. Ubuntu issue with the latest version of the various new features that are available. The latest version, this 8:04 LTS, codename has the name of Hardy Heron.

Next we will show how installing the Ubuntu distro hopefully useful to the readers. Stages in the installation, the author will show screenshotnya, so hopefully will be more easily understood.
Take about 10 menitan for instaling do this. There are some steps to install Ubuntu on your PC, as follows:

1. Download the ISO image at the following URL, and burning a CD with the software you like, such as Nero, CDBurnerXP, Roxio.
2. Insert the CD drive to you, restart your PC. BIOS is set to be the first time that the CD drive is read.
If the Ubuntu CD detected properly, it will appear as the following screen to select the language you want to use in the installation.

Select the "Install Ubuntu", and click Enter.

So the process will begin installing. The data needed will be stored in RAM sepeerti with the screen below,

Select the language you will use. English is also available.

Enter your location or region, including the time for which you use for your server.

Select your keyboard layout, and try to enter some characters keyboard for testing whether you are correct what has not.

The next step is to partition hard disks. Hard drive partition is very easy, but it must be extra careful. Because once we change the data partition is in will be lost.
There are three options for hard disk partition, as follows:
1. When you want to keep using the existing OS, for example, want to dual boot with Windows XP, then select the first option, namely "Guided - resize the partition and use the freed space".
2. If you want to only use Ubuntu on your computer, and delete data on the hard disk, then select the second option, namely "Guided - use entire disk".
3. You can even choose the option "Manual" when the first and second choice is not in your plan. Of course you are expected to have knowledge of the partition and the server.

The remaining disk space as a swap memory. Usually the memory is large duakali you. If you have the 512Mb swap is 1024MB.
Each time you change a partition, for example, delete, change the size of, the content or the data partition will be erased.
The next step is to create a user to be able to login to Ubuntu. Enter your name and your password, do not forget to always remember it.

Enter the Id and password to log in when you are finished Ubuntu install.

If you do not have difficulty or error, then you ready-ready to install Ubuntu.
Click the 'Install' button NOW!

Install Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) operating system will be done with the emergence of this screen.

5. Around 9 or 10 menitan, install will be finished and ready for your PC with a Linux PC restart.

Now you are ready to use with Ubuntu using the Id and password that you entered earlier.

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