Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Superset Training Method: Form of muscle in Short Time

The fitness mania will certainly feel very happy if there is a way that is safe and natural to build muscle in a short time. However, at this time, where a solution with the formation of muscle fitness equipment is made public, then the fitness and bodybulding mania may feel skeptical with the claims above the title. However Tebak? Method is really there! No, not the drug is especially the tools and training that termoderen. If you are serious with the practice in a certain time, mugkin this method is familiar, but you have not been learned and applied in more depth to the maximum level. This method is called with the method of superset exercises.

You may have to apply the previous method superset. However, you may not recognize the various types of training methods superset or a variety of ways to combine them in your practice. Well, perhaps you have not even recognize superset, then the following will be explained starting from the beginning of the training set difference method with conventional methods of training superset.

Exercises done with the burden of the conventional "straight set" (a set of straight) only. Straight sets is done with the series some repetition, for example 8-12 repetition series once, and stopped to rest for a minute and do so until the next set. While the method is a superset exercises technique exercises quickly where you do two types of exercise in a series without a break in between jedanya. Exercise is a superset of technical excellence for the development of muscle, especially if you want a short time. However, the method is not a superset exercise the most effective techniques to build strength and energy. Explanation is as follows:

When you run two types of exercise in a single series with no rest break, then you will experience a decrease in the amount of load that you are able to lift, especially in the second movement. Your strength will also decrease due to exhaustion in each series next superset. Superset exercises because you do not memperbelahkan using the maximum load, it is not suitable superset exercises to build strength. So the method is a superset exercise really is a technical formation and development of body muscles. You certainly rarely see athletes lift the burden of iron or doing exercises superset method. Even in reality, they do the opposite method of training exercises with the superset method. The athletes lift the burden and iron make this interval longer rest between sets of exercises set, so they are able to restore power back as possible. After the recovery period for 3-5 minutes, they can exercise each set with maximum strength. If you still feel tired due to the previous set of exercises, too fast and you start the next set of exercises, you will not be able to lift the load as closely as possible.

Now you already understand what is the method superset exercises. The question, why do you have to fuss over them? Okay, there are three main methods of the benefits of exercise training superset method than a conventional straight set:

1. Superset save time.
The most obvious benefits of the method is able to exercise superset save time. Even if you truly enjoy training, it is nungkin you will not get the object to exercise the same or even better, but in that time period is shorter.
2. Superset increasing intensity.
Usually when you think about the high-intensity exercise, you are thinking based on repetition, which continues to be pressed, set the decline, negative, and others. While the superset is a method of increasing intesitas truly other and different. Shorten the time between the set-break set of exercises require hard work, especially if you are already familiar with the long rest interval. Principle is more exercise conducted with equal intensity is increased, and the intensity increased with the equivalent of more muscle mass also increases.
3. Method is able to exercise superset prevent injury or allow you to keep practicing despite the injury.
Superset allows you to overlay one of the overload on your muscles and increase the intensity without requiring a heavy burden. Therefore, this method is able to reduce the risk of injury from practice with a heavy burden.

There are three main categories of exercises superset method: the same muscle groups, muscle groups antagonistik (opposite), and turns. The following is a description of each along with an example-an example:

1. The same muscle group (same muscle group). Category superset of the first and most common is to combine 2 types of exercise on the muscle groups of the same. For example, superset of dumbbell flyes and bench press.
In the same muscle groups there are four more sub-categories where each has a slightly different effect, namely:

a. Pre-fatigue (Pre-exhaust). Pre-exhaustion superset type may be the most effective and most recognized. A method of training pre-exhaustion superset is done by choosing two types of exercise on the muscle groups of the same. The first, a separate exercise first, followed by a combination of basic movements.

The purpose of the training methods of pre-exhaustion superset is to burden a group of muscles beyond the limits of exhaustion and with the normal way so you can reach and stimulate the development of muscle fibers that usually does not get you straight from the set of methods. How to work this method is: Think of your leg extention are set to the thigh, and you forward no longer to perform the next repetition so. Most people think that with the exercise before the feet are finished they are trained and will not be able direpetisi more. Quadriceps musculature that will completely tired (you will not be able to try to do repetition leg extention), but continues with the squat on the tool you'll immediately know that you can still do squat set even with the burden that is lighter than usual. Why? So even if the quadriceps musculature you've completely tired because leg extention exercise, but the musculature the bottom of your body that is used in the squat exercise is still fresh and strong as glutes (buttocks muscles of),-strand hamstring, adductor (the muscle length ) and parts of the musculature quadriceps other groups. By applying the pre-exhaustion superset of the target muscle with a separate movement, you can continue to add more movement on the tired muscles with the help of other musculature in the combined movements of both types of exercise before.

The only method short of pre-exhaustion superset is that you will only be able to use the normal load is lighter on the second exercise. For example, say you can usually do squat of 315 lbs of 10 exercises on the first rehearsal. However, if you do change the order with the first leg extention, then you will feel muscles-quadriceps muscle you have just "burn" because of leg extention to do squat of 225 lbs of 10 repetition is just very heavy. But that's not a problem for the purpose of development of the muscle. Unless your goal is power and strength of the method is not productive. So if your goal is strength training, then you should apply the method with a straight set of squat exercises on the first order. In the period of the exercise schedule a bodybuilder, straight set method should be done during a special off season phase on muscle mass and strength. While the superset method can be added during the next pre-contest phase.

Here is an example method of training pre-exhaustion superset with the code number sequence Separate Exercise (1) and the Joint Exercise (2):
(1) Leg Extension / (2) squat
(1) Leg Curl / (2) Stiff Leg Deadlift
(1) Dumbell Pullover / (2) Reverse Grip Lat pulldown
(1) Tricep Pushdown / (2) Close Grip Bench Press
(1) Dumbell Flyes / (2) Bench Press
(1) Dumbell Side Laterals / (2) Military Press
(1) Barbell Curl / (2) Curl Grip Pullups

b. Post-fatigue (Post-exhaust). Reverse method of pre-exhaustion is a method of post-exhaustion. In this type of superset method, you still must select a combination of movement and a separate movement. But this time you should do the first movement of the combined new and separate movement in the second sequence. Advantage of the method of post-fatigue superset is that you are in fresh condition during the joint movement so that you can add a heavier burden. Superset post-fatigue can also be used as a variation of the effective light-weight system. For example, rather than just doing a regular set of 8-12 repetition, then choose a heavy basic movement in the first exercise and do as much as about 6 repetition. Then, follow with a separate movement that is lighter and do as much as about 20 rehearsal. By applying this type of method you will get the best possible from two sides: a.) the increased strength and size, and b.) a separate motion with a more powerful force.

Here is an example method of exercise post-fatigue superset with the code number sequence Training Association (1) Separate and Exercise (2):
(1) Leg Press / (2) Leg Extension
(1) Incline Bench Press / (2) Incline Dumbbell flyes
(1) Press Behind The Neck / (2) Dumbbell Side Laterals
(1) Close Grip Bench Press / (2) Rope Pushdowns

c. Superset combination (Compound superset). Sub-category superset this is for you really ready to accept challenges. By applying the superset two exercises together combined can result in muscle growth in a fast period of time is very short, but it really is very demanding and tiring. Sub-types of this category need all the energy you can kerahkan to perform a series superset combination. Method exercises superset combination is also very nerve fiber burden and require special attention, namely the recovery must be conducted after training sessions. One example is a superset combination superset of squats and leg presses. Combinations such as the type of exercise that can make you lie while fatigue pant. But do not worry, because the results will be very kind.

Here is an example method of superset exercises combined with the code number sequence Training Association (1) and the Joint Exercise (2):
(1) squats / (2) Leg Press
(1) Bent Over Rows / (2) Deadlifts

Note: All you need to look for specific sub-category superset pre-exhaustion superset and if that is a combination of both types of exercise you are a burden the free movement of lift which is a combination of coordination requires a muscle-nerve fiber or muscle type exercises that require a supervisor who must pay attention each movement condition of the body. When the musculature of you feel tired due to the type of training first, then you can be at risk of "wobbly" and your condition will most likely be declining in the second type of exercise. If you leave your condition remains poor due to fatigue, you may be at risk of experiencing injury. However, the incident musculature berkondisi pre-exhaustion suddenly become weak without early warning symptoms is already common. However, if this occurred during the exercise bench press or squat and you do not have a supervisor or the security mechanisms in the near future, your condition can be more dangerous. A method that is safer, especially for beginners, is to select a movement for the two types of exercise that requires less skill and coordination (eg, leg press, smith machine squat, hack squat) or with the security tools (power rack, safety catch, spotter, etc.).

d. Separate Superset. Sub-category for the fourth and last in the group to superset the same muscle is to do superset two separate types of exercise, such as cable crossovers and dumbbell flyes. This is a useful technique to separate one group or one specific to the muscle is removed to the other muscles. Sub-category of this type is often used during pre-contest or definition phases-phase when the mass and strength have been passed and is no longer a major concern.

Here is an example method exercises superset with separate code number sequence Separate Exercise (1) Separate and Exercise (2):
(1) Dumbbell Flyes / (2) Cable Crossover
(1) Leg Extension / (2) Sissy squat

Okay, after you already know the four sub-category from the superset the same muscle groups, the following is an explanation other superset two categories: superset antagonistik and turns the superset.
2. Antagonistik muscle groups (the opposite). When you perform two types of exercise in a series of categories on the same muscle groups, the method is likely to limit significantly the size of the load that you can use because of fatigue and increase acid laktat. Pair with a group of muscles that antagonistik (opposite) at the same time can make you retain power because when one muscle group is working, then the muscle groups that are the opposite of rest. An example is a common pair of biceps with triceps, chest with the back (back), or the hamstring-muscle (hamstrings) with quadriceps. This is an excellent technique to lift the body of the slow growing (often exercise a priority). For example, barbell curls paired with tricep pushdowns is a great combination of exercises to build arm muscle.

Here is an example method of exercise superset antagonistik (opposite) with the code number sequence First Exercise (1) Exercise and Second (2):
(1) Barbell Curl / (2) Tricep Extension
(1) Leg Extension / (2) Leg Curl
3. Superset setting turns. Last category is a superset of superset setting turns. Set of turns is the type superset where you combine a major muscle part (big / main) with the one minor muscle (small) that is not related. This technique is generally used for abs (stomach) and calves (calf). How you apply this principle is to "squeeze" a set of abs and calves between set-set exercises major muscle groups of any kind. For example, you can put a set of calves training exercises between each set of chest you do. So rather than rest and not do anything between the sets of chest exercises, you can make a productive exercise, that is to train calves (calf) You! With this method you can then complete the exercises more quickly and prevents boredom and monoton often felt that people are trained when the minor muscles in their own separate course.

As a conclusion, of course you can see yourself how many benefits are obtained with the methods apply to superset exercises in your exercise routine program. Superset method has been increasing in intensity muscle and train the muscles of the body slow to develop. Superset method also allows you to keep developing muscle injury during the period that normally would even worsen if the practice with a heavy burden. Even if you start to feel bored with your exercise program, the method is able to superset removed. And the greatest, superset methods have made a logical way to get maximum results in minimal time. So, if you are want to press hard results-oriented training program in a short time, then the method of training is the answer superset!

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