Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When you form your muscles Sleeping With The Right Supplements

When you form your muscles Sleeping With The Right Supplements
Learn A to Z supplements that can help you to build muscle mass while you sleep.

If your goal every day is a healthy place to form the muscles, so be sure you know the Feed must get enough protein and often. You also must surely already know that getting enough sleep, around 7 - 9 hours per day so that muscles can be developed properly. Because at the time of sleep, your growth hormone level or with the so-called growth hormone (GH) climb. But when you sleep, there is a long pause when the body does not get enough protein Feed. What you can not eat 7 - 9 hours in the morning after heavy exercise? Certainly not unless you want to look like the body of the marathon runner binaragawan.

When the body does not get any food while you sleep, the body will enter starvation phase. Therefore, the body becomes terpacu to take amino acids from muscle protein to glucose to be converted to be used as an energy source organs other important. Although athletes have a meal in the middle of the night to prevent this. There are easier ways to overcome this. Konsumsilah some supplements below to prevent muscle contraction and stimulate muscle growth while you sleep.

Casein protein
Protein casein is a type of protein found in many dairy which consists of 80% protein in milk. Protein casein is a better choice than whey protein before bed because of the slower absorption of casein compared with whey. This will make you get supplai protein slowly and stable as long as you sleep for 7 - 9 hours. So that the body will not take all of the muscle protein. And if you consume enough protein casein before bed, extra protein will be used for muscle growth.
Dosage: Mix 40 grams of protein shake (casein) with skim milk or water, and drink right before bed.

Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil needs to provide you with essential fat and various other health benefits, such as the healing of joints and help reduce the bad fat in the body. Flaxseed oil also include the additional consumption for both casein protein before you sleep. Because flaxseed oil which include healthy fat helps slow the absorption, so that helps maintain muscle fiber diwaktu you're sleeping
Dosage: 2 - 3 tablespoon flaxseed oil along with the consumption of casein protein

You may already know that the amino acid arginine is consumed before exercise to increase the amount of the burden of NO or Nitric-oxida useful to increase the strength of pumping you. But you know that arginine also stimulate Growth Hormone, or GH levels you? Arginine stimulate GH level in a way to block the hormone that normally prevent GH release. If you consume enough dry arginine before bed, then the results that you will get is the level of GH is higher in the evening.
Dosage: 5 grams of arginine Drink about 30 minutes before sleep.

Glutamine including amino acid that has many functions, such as preventing muscle contraction, stimulate the body's immune system, helps the process of healing, and even help in the process of burning fat. Glutamine also stimulate GH levels in the body. A study showed that GH levels will rise after 90 minutes consume glutamine. Research from Louisiana State University said that the ability of glutamine to indirectly stimulate arginine production in the kidney is the cause of increase in GH levels someone.
Dosage: Drink 5 - 10 grams of glutamine 30 minutes before sleep.

If you practice hard, they will most likely be short of zinc and magnesium in your body, which is a mineral essential to the body. Athletes-athletes often experience lack of this mineral in the body. The contents of this lack of minerals with ZMA, which is a combination of zinc, magnesium aspartate and Vitamin B6 which may increase the amount of testosterone and growth hormone similar to insulin, called IGF-I, two important elements useful for muscle growth.

ZMA can also increase the quality of your sleep. That can optimize GH release in the body in the night
Dosage: Consumption ZMA by following the instructions in the table, and consumption of ZMA in the empty stomach about 30 minutes before sleep.

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