Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New hope Medicine HIV AIDS

HIV / AIDS, is a word that intimidating for some people, including me: lol:. That many diseases transmitted through IDU (injection drug use) is really dangerous, lha wong attacked the defense is our bodies: evil:. When the invasion of HIV virus is powerful, then the patient will be easy with a variety of diseases, especially infection, lha wong defense body amburadul emang kalo udah kena HIV.

Makrofag, Q Cells and mutation genes

Our bodies have lho army, the name of the immune system makrofag, limfosit, Q Cells and friends. So when there are foreign substances, bacteria or virus, the body defense system will move to attack. Suppose there are harmful bacteria in the gut, then with high efficiency and professionalism of the makrofag, Q Cells and friends will quickly move to a direct attack against the bacteria and with the way eat nyamm .. .. So that infection does not occur and our bodies healthy tetep:-P.

Lha pas kena HIV, this virus attacks the makrofag, Q Cells and friends before, so decrease the body's immune system. Emang pinter virusnya, who attacked koq ya pas jagoannya so that I can ngapa-ngapain. When the tip of the spear is the body defense system amburadul, clearly many other bacteria and viruses attack the body more easily. Hence HIV / AIDS is considered as the gate of a strange disease-eneh other: twisted:.

Hmm .. This virus attacks the T cell and virus makrofag through ties with the help of CD4 and CCR5, it appeared that some people have white skin (bule) presentation with 1-3% in mainland Europe, which is a natural mutation of the CCR5 genes, because mutation in the CCR5 changes so that the HIV virus can not make ties with CD4, can not because it is not going berikatan virus invasion ;-). Whether this mutation genes because what until now has not known, clearly these people have better endurance, and even immune to the HIV virus.

Whether this mutation genes because what until now has not known, clearly these people have better endurance, and even immune to the HIV virus.

Mutation is called the CCR5 delta 32. People with one copy of CCR5 delta32 has resilience and the opportunity of living longer if you fell ill with HIV, while people with two copies CCR5 delta32 (meaning from the father and mother have the same genes this mutation) can be almost immune to HIV infection .. hmm .. kereeen.

Stem Cells, a move the body's immune media.

treatment-hivAkhir this end-Stem Cells emang lagi rame discussed in various forums, and medical journals in the nation and foreign, this is due to the Stem Cell allows us to modify the DNA so that it can memilah things at Express by DNA that are useful for health, eg to move the immunity against the HIV virus from a mutation of the CCR5 delta32 to people who fell ill with HIV and perhaps even to all men so that the HIV virus can genuflect 8-).

An HIV-AIDS patients aged 42 years with complications leukimia experienced a very significant development, and laboratory results indicate that the blood is not detected in the HIV virus and various symptoms of AIDS, which also suffered in this experience a very drastic reduction. This development was started in these patients undergo transplantation Stem Cells from donors that are considered immune to HIV 2 years earlier. This fact is based on a publish a report in the New England Medical Journal.

According to Dr. Gero Hutter (the head of the team of doctors that deal with this patient), two years after the transplant is not found signs of HIV-AIDS in this patient, during the two years are not using antiretroviral drugs commonly used by other people with HIV AIDS. Hmm .. a big leap in the medical world:-o.

Research, experiment and study further.

Although one patient has can be successful in the treatment of HIV using this method, but more research still needs to be done can be a standard HIV-AIDS therapy. This is because this method has the rather high risk, namely at the time of transplant Stem Cells of the doctor should decrease and even eliminate the body's immune system can be changed for people with immune system that is far more healthy. Lha at the immune system or even eliminated revealed that this is dangerous, the problem is the bacteria or virus can result in only a few very fatal to the patient

Alternative medicine cancer

Cancer is the disease is not harmful More

Cancer does not kill again. The cancer patients in India can have a hope of living longer with finding plants "keladi mouse" (Typhonium Flagelliforme / Rodent Tuber) as a medicinal plant that can stop the disease and treat various cancers and other serious diseases.

A kind of taro plants with high maximum of 25 to 30 cm in this hanyatumbuh bush that is not exposed to direct sunlight. "This plant is usually found on the island of Java," said Drs.Patoppoi Pasau, the first person who found the plants in Indonesia.

Medicinal plants have been examined since 1995 by Prof. Dr. Chris KHTeo, Dip Agric (M), BSc Agric (Hons) (M), MS, PhD from the Universiti Sains Malaysia and also the founder of Cancer Care Penang, Malaysia. Cancer treatment institutions established in 1995 that has helped thousands of patients from Malaysia, the United States, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and various countries in the world.

In Indonesia, the plant is first found by Patoppoi in Pekalongan, Central Java. When the wife Patoppoi contract breast cancer stages III and should be operated 14 January 1998. After the cancer is malignant raised through the operation, his wife Patoppoi must undergo chemotherapy (chemical injection to kill the cells, Red) to stop the spread of cancer cells are. "Before the chemotherapy, the doctor said that we set up wig (wig) because the chemotherapy will cause hair kerontokan, in addition to skin damage and loss of appetite," said Patoppoi.

Accompany his wife during the chemotherapy, Patoppoi continuously tried to find alternative treatment until he finally mendapatkaninformasi the use of the Lin Qi di Malaysia to treat cancer. "At that time I also fly directly to Malaysiauntuk buy tea," say the Patoppoi also biologist. While in a drug took in Malaysia, he accidentally read the book and see
about the treatment of cancer, entitled Cancer, Yet They Live essay Dr Chris KH Teo publication in 1996.
"After I read at a glance, I simply buy the book. Begitu find the book, so I do not even buy tea Lin Qi, but immediately return to Indonesia," reminded Patoppoi a smile. In the book that was read Patoppoi property typhonium flagelliforme it.

Based on the knowledge in the field of biology, retired Department of Agriculture officials immediately investigate this and find tanamantersebut. After contacting several colleagues in different places, familinya in Pekalongan Central Java, menghubunginya reply. In fact, they found the plant there. Once the plants get
and learn more, contact Dr Patoppoi. Teo diMalaysia ask for the truth that the plant was found.

Every few days, Dr Teo Patoppoi contact and explain that plants are indeed correct Rodent Tuber. "Dr Teo said that does not hesitate to use it as medicine," continued Patoppoi.
Finally, with a determination and rounded do'a for healing, Patoppoi begin processing plant in accordance with the steps in bukutersebut to be drunk as medicine. Then Patoppoi to contact her son, Boni Patoppoi in Buduran, Sidoarjo to join to find plants.
"After viewing characteristics plants, I started looking for dipinggir river front of the house and immediately I get these plants grow wild along the river," said Boni who accompanies his father at that time.

During consume pollen plants, wife Patoppoi decrease side effects of chemotherapy dijalaninya. Berhentirontok hair, the skin is not damaged and nausea-nausea disappear. "Even makanibu my appetite was back to normal," Boni go.

After three months on the drug, the wife Patoppoi undergo examination kankernya. "The examination is negative, and that we sungguhmengejutkan and doctors in Jakarta," said Patoppoi. The doctor then Patoppoi to ask, what is given to his wife. "In fact their doubt, whether they have been wrong to give
dose chemotherapy to us, "continued Patoppoi.

After the stories are about plants Rodent Tuber, the doctors also supports Medicine and suggested that developed. Moreover, the view that his wife did not experience side effects of chemotherapy is very hard. And
examination of three months should be diundur six months. "But because the case, the doctors did not want to support the overt use of plants as an alternative treatment," Boni speed while laughing.

After a while not related, based on the increase in his wife, in April 1998, Patoppoi then contact Dr.Teo fax through an untukmenginformasik that there are many plants in Java and invite Dr. Teo to spread the use of this plant in Indonesia.
Then Dr. Teo direct reply to fax us, but they do not tahuapa they should do, because a far distance, "Patoppoi row.
Although Patoppoi propose to their books translated dalambahasa Indonesiadan assigned-luaskan in Indonesia, Dr. Teo menganjurkanagar both parties work together and concentrate on helping people with cancer usahanyata in Indonesia.
Then, in late January 2000 when the Jawa Pos review out of the death Wiryanto Wing, one of the reliable journalist Jawa Pos, Patoppoi was dumbfounded. Detailed data about the symptoms, pain, treatment is reviewed in the Jawa Pos, the same experience with one of the bowel cancer treatment described
in the book. And the experiment is successful treatment for these patients.
"Then I write a column in the Readers Writing in the Post," said Boni.
And the responses it receives are really outside the allegations. In a day, can be about 30 phone messages. "Until now, there are already about 300 people
who come here, "Boni go with a Jl. KH. Khamdani, Buduran Sidoarjo.

The first patient is a patient who has mouth cancer Rahim stadium early. After review, the doctor should be operated.
But because it has not been charged and have the house pending the sale proceeding
for operating costs, they come after reading the Jawa Pos.
Once the plants are given and how meminumnya, not long after pasientersebut come again and reported that he does not need an operation, because the negative results of the examination.

Based on the interest of the community is very high, to meet Dr Patoppoiberusaha. Teo directly. The assistance DirekturJenderal Drugs and Food Control Ministry of Health, Sampurno, Dr Patoppoi can find. Teo in Penang, Malaysia. PusatCancer Care office in Penang, Malaysia, Patoppoi get further enlightenment about the plant research has found that when the name of Indonesia.
In fact when Patoppoi get the book "Cancer, Yet They Live" edisirevisi 1999, a fax sent in included in the book, and in business pengalamanisterinya fight against cancer. From their discussion, Dr. Teo recommend in order to establish representative Patoppoi Cancer Care in Jakarta and Surabaya. So officially, Patoppoi and her son was appointed as representatives of social institutions Cancer Care Indonesia, which is also mentioned in the monthly bulletin Cancer Care,
namely in
Jl. Kayu Putih No. 4. 5, Jakarta, tel. 021-4894745,
and in Buduran, Sidoarjo.

Cancer Care Malaysiatelah develop a form of treatment is more sophisticated. They have produced extracts keladi Tikus in the form of pills and tea powder combined with various other tananaman with a certain dose. "Dose required depends on the illness suffered," said Boni.

To get the drug, the patient must fill out a form yangmenanyakan condition and symptoms and the patient will be sent via fax to Dr. Teo. "Forms can be filled here, and we will fax-kan. Then Dr. Teo that will send the prescription medicine at a time, with the price directly from Malaysia, about 40-60 Ringgit
Malaysia, "Boni go.
"Thus, patients pay only the cost of fax and drugs, we do not take advantage, even for the less able, Dr.Teo can provide an extension of time of payment." He added.

In fact this treatment is also supported and is being tried by a senior doctor in Surabaya, in patients who have a kidney cancer. Adadua patient who is a doctor who had treated director menjabatsebagai one of the largest hospital in Surabayaini. Patients who have a uterus cancer had not given the treatment with keladi mice,
because it has been handled by colleagues that doctors have a reputation. After
Radiology and undergo chemotherapy, the patient is experiencing kerontokan hair, damaged and itchy skin, and always vomiting. But in patients who have a second kidney cancer, this doctor and it also provides the pills to help the mouse up the process of healing chemotherapy.

In the second patient, the effect is not found many people who experienced the first, even these patients seem normal. But these doctors refuse to diekspos because
according to him, this treatment has not been formally examined in Indonesia.
According to him, if colleagues know that he is using an alternative treatment, they will give you a citation as "ter-kun" or doctor-healer.
"Is the gap that opens between conventional and modern treatment," said the doctor.

Many things that are experienced during Boni receive and provide assistance to many patients. In fact, there are heavy habitue putaw and sabu-sabu in Surabaya, which in turn is habitue get lung cancer. After vonis get lung cancer stages III, these patients consume pills and tea from the Cancer Care. The result is quite surprising, because ternyataobat may issue a toxic drug from the circulation of blood and the dependence on these drugs.
"But, if it is habitue menetralisir keladi with rat poison, he should not use drugs anymore, because the resistance will arise. So do not like kebo, bath wallow out again," Boni speed while laughing.
Also have experience of patients who howl-howl in pain due to cancer that attacks menggerogotinya, as painkiller drug is not effective anymore. After drinking keladi sari rat, some time later the patient is calm and no longer feel pain.

According to Cancer Care Malaysia, various diseases have been cured of various cancers is a disease and breast cancer such as weight, lung, colon-rectum, liver, prostat, kidney, uterus neck, throat, bone, brain, spleen, leukemia, bile , pancreas, and hepatitis.

So the research results are expected to spend the billions of Ringgit Malaysiaselama 5 years can be really useful to the health of the world.

For friends who need more information in relation to the article "Cancer Medicine" can contact the representatives of social institutions

When you form your muscles Sleeping With The Right Supplements

When you form your muscles Sleeping With The Right Supplements
Learn A to Z supplements that can help you to build muscle mass while you sleep.

If your goal every day is a healthy place to form the muscles, so be sure you know the Feed must get enough protein and often. You also must surely already know that getting enough sleep, around 7 - 9 hours per day so that muscles can be developed properly. Because at the time of sleep, your growth hormone level or with the so-called growth hormone (GH) climb. But when you sleep, there is a long pause when the body does not get enough protein Feed. What you can not eat 7 - 9 hours in the morning after heavy exercise? Certainly not unless you want to look like the body of the marathon runner binaragawan.

When the body does not get any food while you sleep, the body will enter starvation phase. Therefore, the body becomes terpacu to take amino acids from muscle protein to glucose to be converted to be used as an energy source organs other important. Although athletes have a meal in the middle of the night to prevent this. There are easier ways to overcome this. Konsumsilah some supplements below to prevent muscle contraction and stimulate muscle growth while you sleep.

Casein protein
Protein casein is a type of protein found in many dairy which consists of 80% protein in milk. Protein casein is a better choice than whey protein before bed because of the slower absorption of casein compared with whey. This will make you get supplai protein slowly and stable as long as you sleep for 7 - 9 hours. So that the body will not take all of the muscle protein. And if you consume enough protein casein before bed, extra protein will be used for muscle growth.
Dosage: Mix 40 grams of protein shake (casein) with skim milk or water, and drink right before bed.

Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil needs to provide you with essential fat and various other health benefits, such as the healing of joints and help reduce the bad fat in the body. Flaxseed oil also include the additional consumption for both casein protein before you sleep. Because flaxseed oil which include healthy fat helps slow the absorption, so that helps maintain muscle fiber diwaktu you're sleeping
Dosage: 2 - 3 tablespoon flaxseed oil along with the consumption of casein protein

You may already know that the amino acid arginine is consumed before exercise to increase the amount of the burden of NO or Nitric-oxida useful to increase the strength of pumping you. But you know that arginine also stimulate Growth Hormone, or GH levels you? Arginine stimulate GH level in a way to block the hormone that normally prevent GH release. If you consume enough dry arginine before bed, then the results that you will get is the level of GH is higher in the evening.
Dosage: 5 grams of arginine Drink about 30 minutes before sleep.

Glutamine including amino acid that has many functions, such as preventing muscle contraction, stimulate the body's immune system, helps the process of healing, and even help in the process of burning fat. Glutamine also stimulate GH levels in the body. A study showed that GH levels will rise after 90 minutes consume glutamine. Research from Louisiana State University said that the ability of glutamine to indirectly stimulate arginine production in the kidney is the cause of increase in GH levels someone.
Dosage: Drink 5 - 10 grams of glutamine 30 minutes before sleep.

If you practice hard, they will most likely be short of zinc and magnesium in your body, which is a mineral essential to the body. Athletes-athletes often experience lack of this mineral in the body. The contents of this lack of minerals with ZMA, which is a combination of zinc, magnesium aspartate and Vitamin B6 which may increase the amount of testosterone and growth hormone similar to insulin, called IGF-I, two important elements useful for muscle growth.

ZMA can also increase the quality of your sleep. That can optimize GH release in the body in the night
Dosage: Consumption ZMA by following the instructions in the table, and consumption of ZMA in the empty stomach about 30 minutes before sleep.

Superset Training Method: Form of muscle in Short Time

The fitness mania will certainly feel very happy if there is a way that is safe and natural to build muscle in a short time. However, at this time, where a solution with the formation of muscle fitness equipment is made public, then the fitness and bodybulding mania may feel skeptical with the claims above the title. However Tebak? Method is really there! No, not the drug is especially the tools and training that termoderen. If you are serious with the practice in a certain time, mugkin this method is familiar, but you have not been learned and applied in more depth to the maximum level. This method is called with the method of superset exercises.

You may have to apply the previous method superset. However, you may not recognize the various types of training methods superset or a variety of ways to combine them in your practice. Well, perhaps you have not even recognize superset, then the following will be explained starting from the beginning of the training set difference method with conventional methods of training superset.

Exercises done with the burden of the conventional "straight set" (a set of straight) only. Straight sets is done with the series some repetition, for example 8-12 repetition series once, and stopped to rest for a minute and do so until the next set. While the method is a superset exercises technique exercises quickly where you do two types of exercise in a series without a break in between jedanya. Exercise is a superset of technical excellence for the development of muscle, especially if you want a short time. However, the method is not a superset exercise the most effective techniques to build strength and energy. Explanation is as follows:

When you run two types of exercise in a single series with no rest break, then you will experience a decrease in the amount of load that you are able to lift, especially in the second movement. Your strength will also decrease due to exhaustion in each series next superset. Superset exercises because you do not memperbelahkan using the maximum load, it is not suitable superset exercises to build strength. So the method is a superset exercise really is a technical formation and development of body muscles. You certainly rarely see athletes lift the burden of iron or doing exercises superset method. Even in reality, they do the opposite method of training exercises with the superset method. The athletes lift the burden and iron make this interval longer rest between sets of exercises set, so they are able to restore power back as possible. After the recovery period for 3-5 minutes, they can exercise each set with maximum strength. If you still feel tired due to the previous set of exercises, too fast and you start the next set of exercises, you will not be able to lift the load as closely as possible.

Now you already understand what is the method superset exercises. The question, why do you have to fuss over them? Okay, there are three main methods of the benefits of exercise training superset method than a conventional straight set:

1. Superset save time.
The most obvious benefits of the method is able to exercise superset save time. Even if you truly enjoy training, it is nungkin you will not get the object to exercise the same or even better, but in that time period is shorter.
2. Superset increasing intensity.
Usually when you think about the high-intensity exercise, you are thinking based on repetition, which continues to be pressed, set the decline, negative, and others. While the superset is a method of increasing intesitas truly other and different. Shorten the time between the set-break set of exercises require hard work, especially if you are already familiar with the long rest interval. Principle is more exercise conducted with equal intensity is increased, and the intensity increased with the equivalent of more muscle mass also increases.
3. Method is able to exercise superset prevent injury or allow you to keep practicing despite the injury.
Superset allows you to overlay one of the overload on your muscles and increase the intensity without requiring a heavy burden. Therefore, this method is able to reduce the risk of injury from practice with a heavy burden.

There are three main categories of exercises superset method: the same muscle groups, muscle groups antagonistik (opposite), and turns. The following is a description of each along with an example-an example:

1. The same muscle group (same muscle group). Category superset of the first and most common is to combine 2 types of exercise on the muscle groups of the same. For example, superset of dumbbell flyes and bench press.
In the same muscle groups there are four more sub-categories where each has a slightly different effect, namely:

a. Pre-fatigue (Pre-exhaust). Pre-exhaustion superset type may be the most effective and most recognized. A method of training pre-exhaustion superset is done by choosing two types of exercise on the muscle groups of the same. The first, a separate exercise first, followed by a combination of basic movements.

The purpose of the training methods of pre-exhaustion superset is to burden a group of muscles beyond the limits of exhaustion and with the normal way so you can reach and stimulate the development of muscle fibers that usually does not get you straight from the set of methods. How to work this method is: Think of your leg extention are set to the thigh, and you forward no longer to perform the next repetition so. Most people think that with the exercise before the feet are finished they are trained and will not be able direpetisi more. Quadriceps musculature that will completely tired (you will not be able to try to do repetition leg extention), but continues with the squat on the tool you'll immediately know that you can still do squat set even with the burden that is lighter than usual. Why? So even if the quadriceps musculature you've completely tired because leg extention exercise, but the musculature the bottom of your body that is used in the squat exercise is still fresh and strong as glutes (buttocks muscles of),-strand hamstring, adductor (the muscle length ) and parts of the musculature quadriceps other groups. By applying the pre-exhaustion superset of the target muscle with a separate movement, you can continue to add more movement on the tired muscles with the help of other musculature in the combined movements of both types of exercise before.

The only method short of pre-exhaustion superset is that you will only be able to use the normal load is lighter on the second exercise. For example, say you can usually do squat of 315 lbs of 10 exercises on the first rehearsal. However, if you do change the order with the first leg extention, then you will feel muscles-quadriceps muscle you have just "burn" because of leg extention to do squat of 225 lbs of 10 repetition is just very heavy. But that's not a problem for the purpose of development of the muscle. Unless your goal is power and strength of the method is not productive. So if your goal is strength training, then you should apply the method with a straight set of squat exercises on the first order. In the period of the exercise schedule a bodybuilder, straight set method should be done during a special off season phase on muscle mass and strength. While the superset method can be added during the next pre-contest phase.

Here is an example method of training pre-exhaustion superset with the code number sequence Separate Exercise (1) and the Joint Exercise (2):
(1) Leg Extension / (2) squat
(1) Leg Curl / (2) Stiff Leg Deadlift
(1) Dumbell Pullover / (2) Reverse Grip Lat pulldown
(1) Tricep Pushdown / (2) Close Grip Bench Press
(1) Dumbell Flyes / (2) Bench Press
(1) Dumbell Side Laterals / (2) Military Press
(1) Barbell Curl / (2) Curl Grip Pullups

b. Post-fatigue (Post-exhaust). Reverse method of pre-exhaustion is a method of post-exhaustion. In this type of superset method, you still must select a combination of movement and a separate movement. But this time you should do the first movement of the combined new and separate movement in the second sequence. Advantage of the method of post-fatigue superset is that you are in fresh condition during the joint movement so that you can add a heavier burden. Superset post-fatigue can also be used as a variation of the effective light-weight system. For example, rather than just doing a regular set of 8-12 repetition, then choose a heavy basic movement in the first exercise and do as much as about 6 repetition. Then, follow with a separate movement that is lighter and do as much as about 20 rehearsal. By applying this type of method you will get the best possible from two sides: a.) the increased strength and size, and b.) a separate motion with a more powerful force.

Here is an example method of exercise post-fatigue superset with the code number sequence Training Association (1) Separate and Exercise (2):
(1) Leg Press / (2) Leg Extension
(1) Incline Bench Press / (2) Incline Dumbbell flyes
(1) Press Behind The Neck / (2) Dumbbell Side Laterals
(1) Close Grip Bench Press / (2) Rope Pushdowns

c. Superset combination (Compound superset). Sub-category superset this is for you really ready to accept challenges. By applying the superset two exercises together combined can result in muscle growth in a fast period of time is very short, but it really is very demanding and tiring. Sub-types of this category need all the energy you can kerahkan to perform a series superset combination. Method exercises superset combination is also very nerve fiber burden and require special attention, namely the recovery must be conducted after training sessions. One example is a superset combination superset of squats and leg presses. Combinations such as the type of exercise that can make you lie while fatigue pant. But do not worry, because the results will be very kind.

Here is an example method of superset exercises combined with the code number sequence Training Association (1) and the Joint Exercise (2):
(1) squats / (2) Leg Press
(1) Bent Over Rows / (2) Deadlifts

Note: All you need to look for specific sub-category superset pre-exhaustion superset and if that is a combination of both types of exercise you are a burden the free movement of lift which is a combination of coordination requires a muscle-nerve fiber or muscle type exercises that require a supervisor who must pay attention each movement condition of the body. When the musculature of you feel tired due to the type of training first, then you can be at risk of "wobbly" and your condition will most likely be declining in the second type of exercise. If you leave your condition remains poor due to fatigue, you may be at risk of experiencing injury. However, the incident musculature berkondisi pre-exhaustion suddenly become weak without early warning symptoms is already common. However, if this occurred during the exercise bench press or squat and you do not have a supervisor or the security mechanisms in the near future, your condition can be more dangerous. A method that is safer, especially for beginners, is to select a movement for the two types of exercise that requires less skill and coordination (eg, leg press, smith machine squat, hack squat) or with the security tools (power rack, safety catch, spotter, etc.).

d. Separate Superset. Sub-category for the fourth and last in the group to superset the same muscle is to do superset two separate types of exercise, such as cable crossovers and dumbbell flyes. This is a useful technique to separate one group or one specific to the muscle is removed to the other muscles. Sub-category of this type is often used during pre-contest or definition phases-phase when the mass and strength have been passed and is no longer a major concern.

Here is an example method exercises superset with separate code number sequence Separate Exercise (1) Separate and Exercise (2):
(1) Dumbbell Flyes / (2) Cable Crossover
(1) Leg Extension / (2) Sissy squat

Okay, after you already know the four sub-category from the superset the same muscle groups, the following is an explanation other superset two categories: superset antagonistik and turns the superset.
2. Antagonistik muscle groups (the opposite). When you perform two types of exercise in a series of categories on the same muscle groups, the method is likely to limit significantly the size of the load that you can use because of fatigue and increase acid laktat. Pair with a group of muscles that antagonistik (opposite) at the same time can make you retain power because when one muscle group is working, then the muscle groups that are the opposite of rest. An example is a common pair of biceps with triceps, chest with the back (back), or the hamstring-muscle (hamstrings) with quadriceps. This is an excellent technique to lift the body of the slow growing (often exercise a priority). For example, barbell curls paired with tricep pushdowns is a great combination of exercises to build arm muscle.

Here is an example method of exercise superset antagonistik (opposite) with the code number sequence First Exercise (1) Exercise and Second (2):
(1) Barbell Curl / (2) Tricep Extension
(1) Leg Extension / (2) Leg Curl
3. Superset setting turns. Last category is a superset of superset setting turns. Set of turns is the type superset where you combine a major muscle part (big / main) with the one minor muscle (small) that is not related. This technique is generally used for abs (stomach) and calves (calf). How you apply this principle is to "squeeze" a set of abs and calves between set-set exercises major muscle groups of any kind. For example, you can put a set of calves training exercises between each set of chest you do. So rather than rest and not do anything between the sets of chest exercises, you can make a productive exercise, that is to train calves (calf) You! With this method you can then complete the exercises more quickly and prevents boredom and monoton often felt that people are trained when the minor muscles in their own separate course.

As a conclusion, of course you can see yourself how many benefits are obtained with the methods apply to superset exercises in your exercise routine program. Superset method has been increasing in intensity muscle and train the muscles of the body slow to develop. Superset method also allows you to keep developing muscle injury during the period that normally would even worsen if the practice with a heavy burden. Even if you start to feel bored with your exercise program, the method is able to superset removed. And the greatest, superset methods have made a logical way to get maximum results in minimal time. So, if you are want to press hard results-oriented training program in a short time, then the method of training is the answer superset!

The 10 Simple & Healthy Diet

First identify your own body.

Please stop comparing the body with your friends. When you know how to work the body itself, it will be easier to meet that need.

2. Eat regularly with a significant portion As the proverb says, "Eat before hungry and stop before full.

3. More consumption of fruit and vegetables Slim people eat an average of more than one dish and fruit to eat more fiber and less fat than the fat. That the results of research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2006.

4. Do not forget Breakfast Start the day with a breakfast menu and a significant portion. This will help reduce the calories along the Feed the rest of the day.

5. Drinking water Perbanyak white. Enaght white water you need at least 2 liters per day


Make it as an activity that can not be compromised with the aerobic-lagi.Ber favorite music can be a fun activity. Bring along the family to participate in moving. Originally might hear a bit strange. But once you start, you can be sure-stop.
Sugar Free

Try 2 sunday without sugar. It's amazing to know that you eat napsu usually can not This gradually disappeared.
Do not do extreme action.

Extreme measures such as mean not eating at all for the lean quickly. It is best to eat a little portion in which three mancakup nutrition needed bodies, and two snack every day to a more efficient metabolism.
Toothbrush immediately

After dinner soon gososk tooth to remind yourself that the food has been exhausted.
Do not once feeling kompensasikan times to the food.

Habit that is not very good when we eat the excess-time feeling bad or we are generally too gembira.Pada person too emotionally involved right rather difficult to control the pattern eat.

Clinical Studies Increased Protein causes reduced metabolic syndrome risk factors

Los Angeles, 6 October 2008 - Obesity often goes along and associated with metabolic syndrome - a group with five factors, which consist of high blood pressure, large waist circumference, blood sugar, trigliserida increased and reduced HDL cholesterol level.
Reduction in body weight is one of the first steps to protect or treat this syndrome, and researchers from the University of Ulm, Germany, found that the increase in the Feed protein eating pattern will reduce the risk factors syndrome metabolism when compared with the level of protein Feed standar.Penelitian this who presented at the end of this weekend at the Obesity Society annual meeting in Phoenix, involving 110 subject excess body weight with the metabolism syndrome randomly divided into two groups and one run during the first three months tahun.Selama phase decrease body weight, those who joined in high-protein group instructed to follow a diet with a protein matrix twice normal diet, they also replace two meals a day with Herbalife Formula 1 European, Shake makanan.Kelompok of other instructed to consume the amount of protein in the standard / normal with the usual pattern of eating, do not consume Shake makanan.Selama as a substitute for the next 9 months - phase management / maintain weight loss - all participants consumed a Shake every day for food sebagaibagian pattern of eating them, and both groups maintain Feed protein level in accordance with the pattern of eating that they anut during the previous three months . All the participants experienced a decrease in body weight after one year, but they joined in the high protein group decreased more (almost 12.5 kilograms, while the group Feed protein standards, only about 7 kilograms) with a decrease in body fat is also higher while maintaining the body mass without fat. A more significant is the end of the research findings that 64% of those who joined in the high protein group no longer enter the criteria of metabolism syndrome, compared with only 41% of the amount of protein standard Feed.

"We know that a decrease in body weight will reduce the risk factor syndrome metabolism," said Marion Flechtner-Mors, Ph.D., one of the perpetrators of this research and the head of the Obesity Research Group at the University of Ulm, Germany, "but we find that more and more objects / research participants showed increased resilience to risk factors during this Feed protein eating patterns in their improvement. "

Nearly 47 million U.S. citizens suffer metabolism syndrome, and the number continues to grow - with a parallel increase in cases Obesitas.Flechtner - Moss added, "Effective interventions, such as intervention pengkonsumsian of high protein foods to reduce body weight can reduce the risk factors associated with the syndrome and affect the metabolism life of millions of people.

Flechtner - Mors is a member of Advisory Board of Herbalife Nutrition (nab)

Nab consists of leading experts in the field of nutrition and health from around the world who teach and train distributors, Herbalife independent distributors on the principles of nutrition principles, physical activity and healthy lifestyles.
Nab diketuai by David Heber, MD, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Know the basic commands in linux, unix, shell, and the terminal

Perhaps this paper has been stale for linuxer that use the terminal each day to manage the entire process in the system. But for the newbie that I also like this:) and for those who linuxer new to linux this paper may be very meaningful and very useful to know the basic in-perinta linux unix atu. If the DOS file naming only follow the rules / - of 8.3 (8 character file name and 3 extension) for example, ABCDEFGH.TXT.

Uppercase and lowercase letters in the commands and file names are different, eg different NAMAFILE.tar.gz with namafile.tar.gz, note the command ls will be wrong if diketikkan LS.

There is no mandatory extension like. COM and. EXE to the program and. Batchfile for BAT. diekskusi file that can be marked with the asterisk, if the backup file in the DOS will berekstensi. BAK if dilinux will be marked with a '~' if the file that start with (.) is a hidden file in linux and the file will not be displayed if we provide ls command.

DOS program using sign / sebgai parameter / switch if using dilinux sign - as a parameter / switch, using the example in the DOS command dir / s dilinux when using ls-R.

basic commands linux | unix

1. cp -> basic commands used for copying files or directories.

cp [option] ... [-T] SOURCE DEST
cp [option] ... SOURCE ... DIRECTORY
cp [option] ...-t DIRECTORY SOURCE ...
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE (s) to DIRECTORY

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-a,-archive same as-the House of Representatives
Backup [= CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file
-b-like backup but does not accept an argument
-Copy-contents copy contents of special files when recursive
-d same as-no-dereference-preserve = link
-f,-force if an existing destination file can not be
opened, remove it and try again
-i,-interactive prompt before overwrite
-H follow command-line Symbolic links
-l,-link link files instead of copying
-L,-dereference always follow Symbolic links
-P,-no-dereference never follow Symbolic links
-p same as-preserve = mode, ownership, timestamps
-Preserve [= ATTR_LIST] preserve the Specified attributes (default:
mode, ownership, timestamps), if possible
additional attributes: links, all
same as-c-preserve = context
-No-preserve = ATTR_LIST do not preserve the attributes Specified
-Parents use full source file name under DIRECTORY
-R,-r,-recursive copy directories recursively
-Remove-destination remove each existing destination file before
attempting to open it (contrast with-force)
-Sparse = WHEN control creation of sparse files
-Strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE
-s,-Symbolic-Symbolic links make links instead of copying
S-,-suffix = suffix override the usual backup suffix
-t,-target-directory = DIRECTORY copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY
-Q,-no-target-directory treat DEST as a normal file
-u,-update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer
than the destination file or when the
destination file is missing
-v,-verbose explain what is being done
-x,-one-file-system stay on this file system
-Z, context = Context-set security context of copy to Context
-Help display this help and exit
-Version output version information and exit

2. rm -> basic commands used to delete a file or directory.

usage: rm [option] ... FILE ...

-d,-directory unlink FILE, even if it is a non-empty directory
(super-user only, this works only if your system
supports `unlink 'for nonempty directories)
-f,-force ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
-i,-interactive prompt before any removal
-No-preserve-root do not treat `/ 'specially (the default)
-Preserve-root fail to operate recursively on `/ '
-r,-R,-recursive remove directories and their contents recursively
-v,-verbose explain what is being done
-Help display this help and exit
-Version output version information and exit

3. mkdir -> basic commands used to create a new directory

usage: mkdir [option] DIRECTORY ...

-Z,-context = Context (SELinux) set security context to Context
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-m,-mode = MODE set permission mode (as in chmod), not rwxrwxrwx - umask
-p,-parents no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
-v,-verbose print a message for each created directory
-Help display this help and exit
-Version output version information and exit

4. ls -> basic commands used to view the contents of the directory.

5. dir -> basic commands used to view the contents of the directory.

6. vdir -> basic commands used to view the contents of the directory.

7. pushd -> basic commands used to enter into a directory.

Very simple, create a Wifi network (Hot spots)

Weird title I think I make this, but it is intentionally. The goal may seem nyeleneh though.
Several months ago, in the office where I work, we subscribe to the speedy internet. Installation is easy, because the fall in the computer in the office also has become one alian alias network LAN (Local Area Network). At the time of installation of DSL modem from telkom connect directly to the Hub, and then the engineers set the IP on one computer, the aim is to make the class IP DSL modem. (It may get easier). IP is set after the class and also after the Getaway have to switch on the server telkom, they used the Internet directly. Another computer that only set the IP class and of course is with the DSL modem.
After a few months and then the Internet is making many changes in our office (we are in school) from the internet so much information that can be obtained. Enthusiastic friends also high on the internet. More friends have started "style" by bringing the laptop to school. And even have friends - friends who use the internet as a media learning materials, including me. . It's not fair if the Internet is in the school can only be enjoyed by teachers, while students do not. Although the program goes to the Internet in the school out by telkom not up to us. We go to regular customer category. (ka punten PT. Telkom, Pami tiasa mah ka sadaya sakola lebet program Internet Goes To School).
Yes it is kemabali to ... ... ..
By thinking of it is for facilitating our friend - a friend has a laptop and Wifi facilities (what can connect to the internet only 4 computer units) and also for children. So we terfikirkan to create a network Nirkabel.alias wireles LAN. Start at that time we try to make a list kemi needs, they are only for internal only, then we need is just an Access Point that we will use to distribute the wave (kasarnya term). When we try to find - search kebuthan us so we decided to use the brand Access Point D-Link DL 166 with the type. Because we do not want to ribet alias so easy trap settings on our wireless network with this very simple. Next step - step.
1. IP in the Access Point is, while we in our network that are IP is so it has a different class. In fact, can only samkan. But because we do not want ribet, the Access Point that we have made the new network. So we create a WAN (Work Area Network). So that the installation is kemi Access Points to connect to Hub via WAN port (the port is standard, the RJ 45)

2. Once installed properly, we see the status in the Access Points have been OK, then we immediately try to use a laptop with the features Wifi, and after we see, the laptop in the network, detected a host name or the defaul waves. We try and connect successfully, then we try and browsing also works. Until this stage is the installation of Wifi sduah realized. However, as we consider the aspect of security, we continue porses installation.
3. After work, we try to go to the Control Panel on the access point (here we can set the relation with the wireles). Type in the DL-166 we can do this settting of the Web Browser. We use the internet explorer. Then we type in in the web page, and then the login page will appear. For the user name of this device is admin and password blank. Aakemudian we can make settings in accordance with needs. Again, not to use our ribet fasiltas Run the Wizard on the Access Point. What we change is the name SIID network that will recognize by the other device (host name) and one of our security that is enabled (enable) WEP, the aim is to ensure that every person who will go to the wireless network we have to enter a Password.

Nah sberes have created a network hotspot, it's easy once. But it's that simple. Yet the goal of building a hot spot for sharing the internet. But Allah, I will discuss the - the other part has to be noticed dlam create Wireless network.

In fact there are new problems arising from sharing the internet, but I submit it later. OK hopefully useful and hopefully we da [at continued learning and learning.

Protect servers from attack spamming, scanning, and Harvesting dDoS attacks

Fire security to the server will come with a variety of ways. Most often it may be SPAM email that will come to your mailbox. Or may be scanning the ip addres will overwrite your server. There are several ways to attack melawah all of that, for example, with only installing SpamAssassin on our server. Akan resource server automatically but we will be used to run SpamAssassin this. For example, the CPU is the server that will be the higher or the more memory we have a few.
Moreover, if the attack comes with SPAM email repeatedly in large numbers, to be sure the CPU or memory will be used to run SpamAssassin this process.

So in this paper the author would like to introduce how to prevent attacks in this top layer with the kernel using iptables. Because iptables is blocked with the automatic resource (CPU, Memory) our server will not be used at all. When there is a request from list ip address the problem of, it will be directly in this block through iptables. Thus, automatic service-service we will be running normally, without interruption or additional burden.

Here is a short script that we can install in our server. How this script is very simple, the first list will take the ip address that was registered in the ( as an ip address that is often problematic due to SPAM attacks, scanning or DoS.

  1. ILE="/tmp/drop.lasso"
  2. URL=""
  3. echo ""
  4. echo -n "Applying DROP list to existing firewall..."
  5. [ -f $FILE ] && /bin/rm -f $FILE || :
  6. cd /tmp
  7. wget $URL
  8. #iptables policy di hapus
  9. /sbin/iptables -F
  10. #jalankan policy yang sudah ada
  11. ./regular_rules
  12. blocks=$(cat $FILE | egrep -v '^;' | awk '{ print $1}')
  13. /sbin/iptables -N droplist
  14. for ipblock in $blocks
  15. do
  16. /sbin/iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j LOG --log-prefix "DROP List Block"
  17. /sbin/iptables -A droplist -s $ipblock -j DROP
  18. done
  19. /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -j droplist
  20. /sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -j droplist
  21. /sbin/iptables -I FORWARD -j droplist
  22. echo "...Done"
  23. /bin/rm -f $FILE

regular_rules is that we run the script before running the script above. This script contains the policy of iptables before we have removed with the command iptables-F. Certainly, if you do not have a policy in your iptables, regular_rules line is not needed.

Make Google PageRank

Google search engine will give the value or PageRank for any URL with the algorithm too. To do this for Google PageRank? Certainly, according to the name to determine the ranking of a URL in its database engine. The higher the ranking of a URL will be located at the top in the search results on Google.

To create a Google PageRank of the URL you're not hard, because Google provides the modules to create the PageRank of a URL. In this occasion I will submit two PHP scripts that you can plug in your URL to determine the PageRank of a URL.

First is the script to call the Google PageRank module. This simple script can be developed to become more interactive, where visitors can enter your website URL PageRank of interest.

Create a file pr.php as below with the editor that you use often.

  1. // pagerank.php adalah nama file yang berisi modul pagerank google

  2. include('pagerank.php');

  3. $pr = getPageRank('');

  4. echo 'Page rank dari adalah '.$pr;

  5. ?>

Then, create a file pagerank.php as below with the save in the same directory with the files that have been pr.php we make earlier.

  1. php

  2. define('GOOGLE_MAGIC', 0xE6359A60);

  3. function _zeroFill($a, $b){
  4. $z = hexdec(80000000);
  5. if ($z & $a){
  6. $a = ($a>>1);
  7. $a &= (~$z);
  8. $a |= 0x40000000;
  9. $a = ($a>>($b-1));
  10. }else
  11. $a = ($a>>$b);
  12. return $a;
  13. }

  14. function _mix($a,$b,$c){
  15. $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (_zeroFill($c,13));
  16. $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<8);>
  17. $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (_zeroFill($b,13));
  18. $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (_zeroFill($c,12));
  19. $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<16);>
  20. $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (_zeroFill($b,5));
  21. $a -= $b; $a -= $c; $a ^= (_zeroFill($c,3));
  22. $b -= $c; $b -= $a; $b ^= ($a<<10);>
  23. $c -= $a; $c -= $b; $c ^= (_zeroFill($b,15));
  24. return array($a,$b,$c);
  25. }

  26. function _GoogleCH($url, $length=null, $init=GOOGLE_MAGIC){
  27. if(is_null($length))
  28. $length = sizeof($url);
  29. $a = $b = 0x9E3779B9;
  30. $c = $init;
  31. $k = 0;
  32. $len = $length;
  33. while($len >= 12){
  34. $a += ($url[$k + 0] + ($url[$k + 1] << "" alt="8)" class="wp-smiley"> + ($url[$k + 2] <<>$url[$k + 3] <<>
  35. $b += ($url[$k + 4] + ($url[$k + 5] << "" alt="8)" class="wp-smiley"> + ($url[$k + 6] <<>$url[$k + 7] <<>
  36. $c += ($url[$k + 8] + ($url[$k + 9] << "" alt="8)" class="wp-smiley"> + ($url[$k + 10] <<>$url[$k + 11] <<>
  37. $_mix = _mix($a,$b,$c);
  38. $a = $_mix[0]; $b = $_mix[1]; $c = $_mix[2];
  39. $k += 12;
  40. $len -= 12;
  41. }
  42. $c += $length;
  43. switch($len){
  44. case 11: $c += ($url[$k + 10] <<>
  45. case 10: $c += ($url[$k + 9] <<>
  46. case 9 : $c += ($url[$k + 8] <<>
  47. case 8 : $b += ($url[$k + 7] <<>
  48. case 7 : $b += ($url[$k + 6] <<>
  49. case 6 : $b += ($url[$k + 5] <<>
  50. case 5 : $b += ($url[$k + 4]);
  51. case 4 : $a += ($url[$k + 3] <<>
  52. case 3 : $a += ($url[$k + 2] <<>
  53. case 2 : $a += ($url[$k + 1] <<>
  54. case 1 : $a += ($url[$k + 0]);
  55. }
  56. $_mix = _mix($a,$b,$c);
  57. return $_mix[2];
  58. }

  59. function _strord($string){
  60. for($i = 0;$i < strlen($string);$i++)
  61. $result[$i] = ord($string{$i});
  62. return $result;
  63. }

  64. function getPageRank($url){
  65. $pagerank = -1;
  66. $ch = "6"._GoogleCH(_strord("info:" . $url));
  67. $fp = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
  68. if($fp){
  69. $out = "GET /search?client=navclient-auto&amp;ch=" . $ch . "&amp;features=Rank&amp;q=info:" . $url . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
  70. $out .= "Host:\r\n";
  71. $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
  72. fwrite($fp, $out);
  73. while (!feof($fp)){
  74. $data = fgets($fp, 128);
  75. $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_");
  76. if($pos === false){
  77. }else
  78. $pagerank = substr($data, $pos + 9);
  79. }
  80. fclose($fp);
  81. }
  82. return $pagerank;
  83. }

  84. ?>

  1. regular_rules is that we run the script before running the script above. This script contains the policy of iptables before we have removed with the command iptables-F. Certainly, if you do not have a policy in your iptables, regular_rules line is not needed.

Backup MySQL Data With PHP

phpSalah one programming that is widely used in the world at this time is PHP. PHP bergembang so rapidly used in the content of websites that use CMS engine. For instance is wordpress or joomla. CMS is the second most of the MySQL database. MySQL is a database that we can use for free.

This is important when we are using the MySQL data backup. Backup should we do this many times so that we keep data secure, when the hard disk damage or loss of data due to the reason we do not know. Here are any posts short, how to use a simple PHP script to make backups of data in MySQL.

  1. $dbname = "infokomtek_com";
  2. $dbhost = "localhost";
  3. $dbuser = "root";
  4. $dbpass = "******";
  5. $backupFile = "infokomtek_com";
  6. $backupFile = $dbname . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.gz';
  7. $command = "mysqldump --opt -h $dbhost -u $dbuser -p $dbpass $dbname | gzip > $backupFile";
  8. system($command);
  9. ?>

$ dbname = "infokomtek_com" is the name of the data base that we want to backup. $ dbhost = "localhost" is the host name data base we are. $ dbuser = "root" user to access a database. $ dbpass = "******" is the password to access the databases. Depending on your settings in MySQL, sometimes the password is not necessary to connect to MySQL.

If you save this script in crontab PHP, then you can backup your data base in accordance with yours.

Installing Ubuntu 8.40

ubuntu is a distro that peminatnya increase of late. And according to the magazine Linux Journal, Ubuntu was ranked as the first tune the distribution by Linuxer. Ubuntu issue with the latest version of the various new features that are available. The latest version, this 8:04 LTS, codename has the name of Hardy Heron.

Next we will show how installing the Ubuntu distro hopefully useful to the readers. Stages in the installation, the author will show screenshotnya, so hopefully will be more easily understood.
Take about 10 menitan for instaling do this. There are some steps to install Ubuntu on your PC, as follows:

1. Download the ISO image at the following URL, and burning a CD with the software you like, such as Nero, CDBurnerXP, Roxio.
2. Insert the CD drive to you, restart your PC. BIOS is set to be the first time that the CD drive is read.
If the Ubuntu CD detected properly, it will appear as the following screen to select the language you want to use in the installation.

Select the "Install Ubuntu", and click Enter.

So the process will begin installing. The data needed will be stored in RAM sepeerti with the screen below,

Select the language you will use. English is also available.

Enter your location or region, including the time for which you use for your server.

Select your keyboard layout, and try to enter some characters keyboard for testing whether you are correct what has not.

The next step is to partition hard disks. Hard drive partition is very easy, but it must be extra careful. Because once we change the data partition is in will be lost.
There are three options for hard disk partition, as follows:
1. When you want to keep using the existing OS, for example, want to dual boot with Windows XP, then select the first option, namely "Guided - resize the partition and use the freed space".
2. If you want to only use Ubuntu on your computer, and delete data on the hard disk, then select the second option, namely "Guided - use entire disk".
3. You can even choose the option "Manual" when the first and second choice is not in your plan. Of course you are expected to have knowledge of the partition and the server.

The remaining disk space as a swap memory. Usually the memory is large duakali you. If you have the 512Mb swap is 1024MB.
Each time you change a partition, for example, delete, change the size of, the content or the data partition will be erased.
The next step is to create a user to be able to login to Ubuntu. Enter your name and your password, do not forget to always remember it.

Enter the Id and password to log in when you are finished Ubuntu install.

If you do not have difficulty or error, then you ready-ready to install Ubuntu.
Click the 'Install' button NOW!

Install Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) operating system will be done with the emergence of this screen.

5. Around 9 or 10 menitan, install will be finished and ready for your PC with a Linux PC restart.

Now you are ready to use with Ubuntu using the Id and password that you entered earlier.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

10 tips Extending Reach and strength of your Wireless Network

Microsoft was very concerned about wireless or wireless, on the site authorized in, Microsoft provides a prescription telling tune up a wireless network, following Tony Northrup any posts on the company site is Windows Vista;

If Windows ever notifies you about the weak signal, so you may be able to lose your connection entirely in some parts of your home. If you want to improve the signal to your wireless network, try some tips to extend your wireless coverage and improve the performance of your wireless network.

1.Posisikan access points or wireless router in the center of your location.
When possible, place the wireless router in the center or the location of your home.

2. Move the router away from the floor and away from walls and objects made of metal (such as a metal cupboard etc.).
Metal, walls, floors, and will disrupt your wireless router signal. The interference from nearby access points or wireless router, the more severe the interference received, and weak connection.

3. Changing the antenna.
The antenna supplied with the wireless router is usually bertype Omni-directional, meaning they broadcast signals in all directions around the router, but there may be some areas not the desired signal. and change the antenna to the hi-gain antenna that focuses the wireless signals only one direction will be able to direct the signal in the direction you need it most.

4.Gantilah your wireless network adapter.
Wireless network signal must be sent both to and from your computer. Sometimes, your computer can not receive the signals from both access points. To fix this, replace the laptop or PC-based wireless network card with USB wireless adapter that uses an external antenna is very helpful, with Hi-Gain USB Wireless antenna belonging adapter, can significantly increase the coverage expansion.

5.Tambahkan repeater
Wireless repeaters extend the range of your wireless network, without requiring you to add cables. Place the wireless repeater on the mid points between the access point and your computer, and you will get increased wireless signal. Some access points or radio that's designed as a repeater; Senao Engenius ECB / EOC 3220, Edimax 7206APg, and Zinwel ZW2194.

6.Rubah Channelnya
Wireless routers can broadcast on multiple channels or channel, similar to the way radio stations use different channels. In the United States and Canada, this channel is 1, 6, and 11. Just as you'll sometimes hear interference on one radio station while the other is very clear, try changing your channel access points through the configuration page, you may get increased signal strength, you do not need to change your computer's configuration, because it automatically detect the new channel you have change.

7.Turunkan wireless interference.
If you have a "cordless" or a wireless phone or other electronics in your home, your computer may not be able to "hear" your wireless access points due to noise from other wireless devices such as the above. To have "quiet", Avoid using electronic wireless 2.4GHz frequency. Instead, look for cordless phone that uses 900Mhz or 5.8GHz frequency.

8.Update firmware or driver your wireless adapter.
Wireless device manufacturers regularly make free improvements to their products. Sometimes, these improvements can improve their performance. To get the firmware update or latest drivers visit their website.

Similarly, Windows XP also regularly update the driver. Updates are usually improve the performance and reliability. To get the update, visit Microsoft Update, and then click the Select Hardware Type your wireless adapter, Install any updates relating to your wireless network.
Note If you go to Microsoft Update, you have two options: the Express Install for critical security and Custom Install for high priority and optional updates. You can get a driver update if you use the Custom.

9.Ambil equipment from one vendor.
While the Linksys wireless router will work better with the Edimax wireless USB adapter, but you will often get better performance if you select the router and network adapter from the same vendor.

10.Upgrade 802.11b to 802.11g devices.
802.11b standard is the most common type of wireless network, but 802.11g is about five times faster. 802.11g is upside-compatible with 802.11b, so you can still use 802.11b equipment that you have. If you're using 802.11b and you are not satisfied with the performance, consider replacing them with standard access points 802.11gyang sure the equipment will be compatible with 802.11g. If you are buying new equipment, make sure to select 802.11g.

The wireless network did not reach the theoretical bandwidth limit. 802.11b usually get ransfer rate between 2-5Mbps. 802.11g are usually in the range of 13-23Mbps.

Creating Wireless Network Ad-Hoc No Router in Windows XP

Wireless networks or wireless is very useful because it allows you to use your computer and connect to the internet anywhere in the home or office. However, most of the wireless network using a wireless router, which must be purchased separately. If you have more than one computer, you can set up a wireless network without the need to buy a wireless router and save your own money.

Conventional wireless network, wireless router that is functioning as a base stationt, like many in the base station for cordless phones. All wireless communication through a wireless router, which allows the nearest computer to connect to the Internet or to each other.

Ad hoc wireless network works like a walkie-talkie, as the computer to communicate directly with each other. By enabling Internet Connection Sharing on one computer, you can share Internet access

Ad hoc network is a smart alternative to using a wireless router, but have several weaknesses:

* If your computer is connected to the Internet is dead or shut down, all computers that are part of the ad hoc network lose Internet access.
* To connect to the Internet, one computer always requires a network connection cable.

To connect the computer to the Internet using an ad hoc wireless network, follow these steps (described in more detail later in this article):

1. Enable Internet Connection Sharing on the computer connected the Internet. You can skip this step if you do not need to access the Web.
2. Manage ad hoc wireless network on a computer connected to the internet.
3. Add your other computers to the wireless network.

How to enable Internet Connection Sharing

In the wireless network with the router, the router has forwarding important communication from the computer in the network to the Internet. On an ad hoc network, you must specify a single computer to serve this role. Your computer must have a cable connection to the Internet, and must be left on if you want to be able to use your other computers.
How to set up the first computer

Manage ad hoc wireless network that allows computers to share an internet connection without router

1. If necessary, install a wireless network adapter
2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Select a category below, click Network and Internet Connections
4. Below the icon, or select Control Panel, click Network Connections.
5. Right-click your wireless network connection, and then click Properties.
6.Pada Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click the Wireless Networks tab.
7. On the Wireless Networks tab, under the selected network, click ADD.
8. In the Wireless network properties dialog box, on the Association tab, type the name of an ad hoc wireless network in Network name (SSID) box (shown in step 10). For example, you could name your wireless network NETKOM.
9. Clear the Key is provided for me automatically check box and select This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network check box.
10. Create a password with 13-digit key in the second-network. For best security, use a combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Then click OK
11. Click OK again to save the changes

How to set up additional computers

If you want to add to your network does not have built-in support for wireless network, install a network adapter nirkabelnya.

Windows XP automatically detects the new adapter, and will let you know that he found a wireless network.

Now your computer is connected to your wireless network

Note: The steps ditas only applies if you use Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). If you have not installed SP2, visit Microsoft Update to install before connecting to an ad hoc network.

1. Right-click Wireless Network icon in the lower right corner of your screen, then click View Available Wireless Networks.

If you encounter problems, do not be afraid to ask manufacturers to brand adapter you use to help your problem.
2. The windows Wireless Network Connection appears and displays your wireless network listed with the SSID that you select. If you do not see your network, click Refresh Network List in the top left corner. Click your network, and then click Connect in the lower right corner.
3. Windows XP will ask you to enter the key password, then click Connect.

Windows XP will show signal strength that is connected to your network. After you connect, you can close the Wireless Network Connection window.

Repeat the above three steps on each computer that is connected to the wireless ad hoc network.

Linksys WRT54GL With DDWRT Firmware

By default the Linksys WRT54GL with original firmware can only road in AP mode only, so he can not act as a station or a client, but when he upgraded firmwarenya with DDWRT (, Linksys disitulah furor started last, he rose class from economy class to premium class, the firmware made in Germany, Sebastian Gottschall aka BrainSlayer, considered to improve the performance of these access points.
Feature of Linux-based firmware are:

# 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
# Access restrictions
# Ad Hoc
Afterburner #
# Client Isolation Mode
# Client Mode (supports multiple connected clients)
# DHCP Forwarder (udhcp)
# DHCP server (dnsmasq or udhcp)
# Forwarder DNS (dnsmasq)
Unit #
# Dynamic DNS (DynDNS, easyDNS, FreeDNS, No-IP, TZO,
ZoneEdit, custom, and others)
# Hotspot Portal (Sputnik Agent, Chillispot)
# IPv6
# MMC / SD Card Support (hardware modification required)
# Ntop Remote Statistic (ntop)
# OpenVPN Client & Server (only in VPN-build of the firmware)
# Port Triggering
# Port Fowarding
# PPTP VPN Server & Client
# QoS Bandwidth Management
# QoS L7 Packet Classifier (l7-filter)
# RFlow
Routing # (bird)
# Samba FS Automount
# Syslog
# Rx Antenna
# Tx Antenna
# Show Status of Wireless Clients and WDS with System
Uptime / Processor Utilization
# Site Survey
# SSH server & client (dropbear)
# Startup, Firewall, and Shutdown scripts (startup script)
# Static DHCP
# Style (Changeable GUI; v.23)
# Supports New Devices (WRT54G V3, V3.1, v4, V5 and WRT54GS
V2.1, V3, v4)
# Telnet server & client
# Power transmits adjustment (0-251mW, default is 28mW, 100mW is
# UPnP
# WOL (Wake On Lan) (WOL)
# WDS Connection Watchdog
# WDS Repeater Mode
# Wireless MAC Address Cloning
# Wireless MAC Filter
# WMM (Wi-Fi MultiMedia)
# WPA over WDS
# WPA / TKIP with AES
# WPA2

Based on the author experience, type access points (AP) Linksys upgraded to a suitable DDWRT, is the Linksys WRT54GL, besides AP type, the possibility of failure of one update, so do not try upgrading your firmware without the knowledge and experience.

DDWRT to upgrade the firmware, download the first step in the first firmware dwrt site:, choose the version according to your desire, you should select the mini version first, security for your Linksys devices, after the download on your computer, you enter to the web configuration Linksys WRT54GL, you go to the administration section, select the field firmware upgrade, do upgrade, remember during the firware upgrade, do not connect to the power is turned off or out, in case of a result so will damage the Linksys you have a message after the upgrade successful, you do the reset, to be more stable, and then after the reset, do the upgrade back by using the standard firmware, remember once again after the upgrade process is completed or successful, do the reset for the second time. Such scenarios DDWRT firmware upgrade process, any posts in the other we will feature some DDWRT.

What Is wIFI

According to wikipedia: Wi-Fi was originally a brand name given by the Wi-Fi Alliance to describe the embedded technology, wireless local area network (WLAN) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard. In 2007, the general term Wi-Fi has expanded describes generic wireless interface of mobile computing devices, such as laptops in Lans. The term Wi-Fi was chosen as a play on the term "Hi-Fi", and is often mistaken to be incorrect abbreviation for wireless fidelity. Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Certified logo are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance, the trade organization that tests and certifies equipment in accordance with the 802.11x standards.
If you've been in a coffee shop, restaurant, hotel or campus, usually right in the middle of your wireless network. Many of us use wireless networks, also called WiFi or 802.11 networking, to connect the computers in our house, and now the increasing number of cities use the technology to provide free or cheap Internet access to residents. At the close the day, the wireless network can become so widespread that we can access the Internet almost anywhere at any time, without using cables, so wonderful life.
A wireless network uses radio waves, such as mobile phone, tv and radio do. In fact, communication via a wireless network much as two-way radio communication. This is what happens:

1. A computer wireless adapter translates data into radio signals and transmits the indoor or outdoor antenna.
2. A wireless router receives the signal and decodes it. He sends information to the Internet using a physical, Ethernet cable connection.

This process also works vice versa, with the router receiving data from the Internet, translating into radio signals and sends them to the computer via a wireless adapter.

Radio is used for WiFi communication are the same as that used for radio walkie-talking, handphones and other devices. They can send and receive radio waves, and they can convert 1s and 0s into radio waves and convert the radio waves back into 1s and 0s. WiFi radio but there are some important differences from other radio:

* They send in the frequency of 2.4 GHz or 5GHz. This frequency is very high compared with the frequency used for mobile phones, walkie-talking and television. The higher frequency allows the signal to carry more data.
* They use 802.11 networking standards, which come in several flavors:
o 802.11b version is the first to reach the market. There is a slow and least expensive standard, and it becomes a little more quickly as the standard to be cheaper. 802.11b transmits at 2.4 GHz frequency band of radio spectrum. This can handle up to 11 megabits of data per second, and using the free code keying (CCK) coding.
o standard 802.11g also transmits at 2.4 GHz, but a lot faster than 802.11b - it can handle up to 54 megabits of data per second. 802.11g is faster because it uses orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), a more efficient coding techniques.
o 802.11a transmits at 5GHz and can move up to 54 megabits of data per second. And he also uses OFDM coding. New standards, like 802.11n, can be even faster than 802.11g. However, the 802.11n standard is not yet final.
* WiFi radio can send on one of the three frequency bands. Or, they can "frequency hop" rapidly between the various bands. Frequency hopping helps reduce interference and lets multiple devices use the same wireless connection simultaneously.

Each product tested and approved as "Wi-Fi Certified" (a trademark) by the Wi-Fi Alliance certification is the same as one another, even if they originate from different producers. A user with the "Wi-Fi Certified" product can use the access point with other brands client hardware that also is certified. Usually, however, any Wi-Fi product using the same radio frequency (for example, 2.4GHz for 802.11b or 11g, 5GHz for 802.11a) will work together with others, even if not "Wi-Fi Certified."

As long as they all have wireless adapters, several devices that can use a router to connect to the Internet. This connection is simple and almost invisible, and it is quite reliable. If the router fails or if too many people trying to use a high-bandwidth applications at the same time, however, users can experience interference or lose their connection.

f you want to launch wireless network in your home, office, or public area, the first thing you want to do is make sure that your computer has the right wireless devices. Most new laptops and many new desktop computers come with built-in wireless transmitters. Laptop if you do not, you can buy a wireless adapter that plugs into the PC card slot or USB port. Desktop computers can use USB adapters, or you can buy an adapter that plugs in to the PCI slot in the computer case. Many of these adapters can use more than one 802.11 standard.

After you install your wireless adapter and drivers that allow it to operate, your computer must be able to know automatically to the network that already exists. This means that when you change your computer in a WiFi hotspot, the computer will inform you that there is a network and ask if you want to connect to. If you have an older computer, you may need to use a software program to detect and connect to the wireless network.

Connected to the internet via wifi is very convenient for us. home wireless network so that is also comfortable. They help us to easily connect multiple computers and to move them from place to place without disconnecting and reconnecting wires, and we can play in many positions such as our computer is.